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Finding Ourselves Does Not Mean Happiness

The other day I was sitting in a class where we were discussing service and helping others.

My thoughts immediately were turned to happiness.
People everywhere all over the world are searching for one word: happiness.
With the world in which we live today, many struggles come because of the search of this one word.

That is because we are doing it all wrong.

Iphone. Ipad. Itunes.

I. I. I.

We live in a world searching for happiness within ourselves--trying to get the nicest clothes to make us happy, the greatest technology, make the most money-- only to wind up still not being satisfied and still not being happy.

People all trying to find themselves and make a statement of what they are through these things, ironically does not make them happy. It couldn't be further from the truth.

It's losing ourselves that makes us happy. Losing ourselves in the service of others, looking outside of our little bubble and the problems we may have. Seeing those that are less fortunate and having the courage to help them out. That is what brings true happiness.

Recognizing that you may not be able to afford that gift for Christmas, but you have a roof over your head and clothes on your back. 

Gratitude makes everything you have enough.

I can only imagine what the world would be like if everybody lived by that motto. 

Think about something. If I 
was stripped today of everything I had-- my clothes, food, money, home, technology--WHO would I be?

We try to define ourselves with the things that we do. Being a football player, holding certain leadership positions, being an artist-- all of these are good things. 

But if these we stripped  from you. WHO would you be? These things may make up WHAT you are, but can they define WHO you are? 

So ask yourselves. How will you lose yourself?

Till next time,

*If you enjoyed reading this, please share, subscribe and comment! Thank you!! Love you all!! :)


  1. I love reading your thoughts, Emmi! They are so thought-provoking and inspiring! Thank you for sharing!!!

  2. Awesome Emmy! I'm thinking right now about WHO I would be...
